From the beginning I was called “unwanted”

Conceived in violence, my announcement was more pain

My entry into the world was a cocktail of grief, obligation and sorrow

She would rather not look at me

And why would she? I am her scarlet letter

A reminder of her loss. agony and shame

The product of a cursed moment

My first breath was rejection and I’ve been breathing it ever since

From cruelty I came; to bring more cruelty they said

And why not? It is in my blood after all

Etched into the fabric of me is a monster

His desires will I do, for the fruit cannot fall far from the tree

There is no other path for me

Or is there?

P.S. Do check out my online shop on Etsy here. It is called the Wordsmithcafe and is home to Inspirational digital print art. Thank you 🙂

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